The effect of increased genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease on hippocampal and amygdala volume. uri icon


  • Lupton, Michelle K
  • Assareh, Amelia A
  • Simmons, Andrew
  • Proitsi, Petroula
  • Powell, John F
  • Montgomery, Grant W
  • Hibar, Derrek P
  • Westman, Eric
  • Tsolaki, Magda
  • Kloszewska, Iwona
  • Soininen, Hilkka
  • Strike, Lachlan
  • Mecocci, Patrizia
  • Velas, Bruno
  • Lovestone, Simon
  • Brodaty, Henry
  • Ames, David
  • Trollor, Julian N
  • Martin, Nicholas G
  • Thompson, Paul M
  • Sachdev, Perminder S
  • Hansell, Narelle K
  • Wright, Margaret J
  • Wen, Wei
  • Mather, Karen A
  • Armstrong, Nicola J
  • Thalamuthu, Anbupalam
  • McMahon, Katie L
  • de Zubicaray, Greig I

publication date

  • January 1, 2016