Prediction of Post-Operative Delirium in Older Adults from Preoperative Cognition and Alpha Power from Resting-State EEG. uri icon


  • Ning, Matthew
  • Fong, Tamara G
  • Jones, Richard N
  • Libermann, Towia A
  • Marcantonio, Edward R
  • Santarnecchi, Emiliano
  • Schmitt, Eva M
  • Touroutoglou, Alexandra
  • Travison, Thomas G
  • Acker, Leah
  • Reese, Melody
  • Rodionov, Andrei
  • Sun, Haoqi
  • Westover, Brandon
  • Miles Berger, MD, PhD
  • Pascual-Leone, Alvaro
  • Inouye, Sharon K
  • Shafi, Mouhsin M
  • Ross, Jessica M
  • Ozdemir, Recep A
  • Burch, Maja
  • Lian, Shu Jing
  • Alsop, David
  • Cavallari, Michele
  • Dickerson, Bradford C